A message from the superintendent

Dear Families,

As the summer days gradually close, we eagerly prepare to embark on a new school year within the Florida Union Free School District. With excitement and determination, we look forward to the possibilities and growth the upcoming year holds for our students.

Throughout the summer months, our dedicated team has been hard at work, ensuring that our learning environments are safe and welcoming, and brimming with opportunities for your child(ren) to thrive. Our custodial staff has diligently cleaned and prepared classrooms, creating an atmosphere conducive to learning and creativity.

We are pleased to share that our extended-year program has been a resounding success, serving dozens of students. By allocating federal stimulus funding, we have sustained this vital program, supporting our students’ academic advancement and personal growth.

The Florida Union Free School District has expanded its family of educators by adding new staff members, including seven new teachers, a teacher’s aide, and an Elementary principal. Each new addition brings expertise and passion, further enriching our educational community.

With innovation in mind, we’re introducing Computer Science classes this year, empowering students with vital skills for their future in a dynamic technological landscape. Our commitment to technology education remains strong, extending from middle to high school with enriched offerings in design, engineering, and fabrication through our Technology Department.

Moreover, we are thrilled to announce that the Florida Union Free School District is embarking on a strategic planning journey. This strategic plan will serve as a roadmap, guiding us as we continuously strive to enhance the educational experience for all our students. Exciting announcements await as we begin this transformative process.

We warmly invite your child(ren) to join us on Sept. 5 as we open our doors to embark on a new chapter of learning and growth. As we anticipate the start of the school year, we encourage you to enjoy the remainder of your summer, making cherished memories and finding moments to rejuvenate.

Should you have any questions, concerns, or needs, please do not hesitate to contact your school’s main office. We are here to support you and your child(ren) throughout the upcoming year.

With warm regards,

Dr. Lisamarie Spindler

Superintendent, Florida Union Free School District