Golden Hill art show inspires budding artists

  Students at art showThe Golden Hill Elementary gym popped with color on April 25, displaying a variety of student pieces for the annual art show. 

Every student from pre-K to fourth grade was represented through one piece of artwork, and fifth graders had three pieces on display.

“As fifth graders, students have a painting and a piece of clay, and for the third piece, I collaborate with Noreen Meehan, the fifth-grade teacher,” shared art teacher Nick Camia. “She has them work on poems based on the book “Amal Unbound.” In my class, they recreate their version of the cover, which includes two hands. Inside the hands are items that represent their life in and out of school.” 

Fifth-grader Liana Scheuermann enjoyed working on this collaborative project.

Students at art show“I want to be a marine biologist. I included a stingray in my drawing, and in my poem one thing I wrote about was the ocean,” Scheuermann shared. “I like to draw, so that was my favorite part of the project.”

A few students from each grade at S.S. Seward displayed their work to inspire younger students. This aspect of the art show is new this year. “Golden Hill students had the opportunity to talk to the older students and see their artwork. This way, the students can see what they can create beyond Golden Hill,” shared Camia.

Students at art showStanislaw Olejniczak was one of these students, in Francesca Allen’s sixth-grade art class. “We did a project based on Chinese New Year, representing the Year of the Dragon. I drew two dragons, and one is a water dragon,” he shared. Olejniczak also has a mask he made on display, as well as a self-portrait divided into quadrants using different materials: pencil, colored pencil, marker and watercolor. “I’ve learned that you have to take your time and take pride in your art,” Olejniczak added.

“The art show is a great way to let the kids share what they’re working on and get the community together as well,” said Camia.