Are you child’s immunizations up to date?

According to an amendment to Public Health Law Section 2164, children who attend child daycare or public, private or parochial school who do not have their required immunizations face a deadline of 14 days from the start of school in the fall for their first dose vaccinations. Parents/guardians of these children must show within 30 days of the first day of school that appointments have been made for follow-up doses.

State law requires parents/guardians to give the school an immunization record that shows their child has received, or has appointment(s) to receive the required vaccine(s) in order to attend school.  This record may be from a health care provider, health department, or an official immunization record from the child’s former school. The record must include:

1.    the name of the vaccine;
2.    the date the vaccine was given; and
3.    who gave it, along with their title; or where it was given if at a clinic.

Please contact your health care provider to make sure your child has what they need to attend school this fall. Please do not wait to schedule an appointment for your child’s physical exam or any missing immunizations.

Click here for a list immunization requirements by grade level.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the school nurse of your child’s building.