Meningococcal vaccine required for all students entering Grade 7 and Grade 12

As of Sep. 1, 2016, all public and private school students entering Grade 7 and Grade 12 in New York State must be fully vaccinated against meningococcal disease in order to attend school. The meningococcal vaccine protects against serious and sometimes deadly diseases such as meningitis (an infection of the lining of the brain and …

Florida voters approve 2018-19 school budget, elect two people to Board of Education

Florida Union Free School District  residents on May 15 approved the proposed $21,690,646 million budget for the 2018-19 school year and elected two people to the School Board. The spending plan was approved by a vote of 326 yes votes to 163 no votes. Voters additionally approved two propositions. A proposition to allow continuous voter …

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